Fun in the Vegetable Plot!
My little babies in the warm!The vegetable plot idea came about for my liking of fresh and tasty veg. In fact I started thinking about this a year or two earlier but didn’t get around to starting it till 2006.
Two wellies and Mini…Right: The garden picture shows the 2 plots. The near area was started in 2006, we transplanted the grass elsewhere, then we turned in all the leaves that fell over winter. The far area was dug in February 2007… some time ago now, we spread 4 black bags of hay and horse poo.. and poo it did!
Everything grows in the Spring!!The plots looked so good in March.. wow I’m sounding like a gardener already! But they did! We ventured out to a local garden center for a few items.. they were so helpful! £37 later…. we had everything we wanted to start growing home grown veg… I wonder if it is going to be as easy as you see on the TV, only time will tell!

1) The potato seeds can be clearly seen sitting like eggs in the troughs before being covered over with about 6″ of soil. This site was a great help for information in growing potatoes.
2) The onions were placed about 4″ apart and then covered with about 4-6″ of soil.
3) This is a potato seed.. strange looking thing hey? it’s NOT a potato that has sprouted from the shop bought ones.. don’t ask me the difference!

4) The propagator (like a little greenhouse) was divided into 8 by cutting up cardboard, then seeds were spread on top of some bag manure, then 1″ was spread over the top.
5) The cover goes on to keep it all cosy, we kept it in doors to keep all the seeds nice and warm!
6) The seeds that we used. The onions went outside, the other seeds went in the propagator. Hmmm there are 9 packs, 8 plots. Sprayed with water twice a day.
7) WOW.. just 5 days after planting the seeds we have births! Look at all those little seeds poping up!

It’s now Easter.. Oh what a lovely day!
8) In the picture you can see the broad beans poping up (those greeny little things) also you can see the seed packets displying where we planted the seeds in rows!
9) Well it’s towards the end of April now.. suddenly plantsare popping up.. The potatoes, cabbage and the little beetroots too.
10) Mini was caught licking her lips.. looking at a squirrel!
Until next time, be assured I will be talking to my baby plants every day! OK.. OK.. pic 11 is prove of the Trifid potatoes and they have only been planted about 5 weeks!